My Journal by Harriman Nelson - New Beginnings


By Harriman Nelson



We started using the model harvester before lunch, so it was nearing nearly 1300 before I was able to start evaluating the resulting loss of salts, minerals, and microscopic creatures when more sea water was  allowed to rush into the containment area for measuring.


I was about to break for lunch when Chief Sharkey joined me in the lab.

“How’s it going, sir?”

“So far, so good. If the next two tests in the other coordinates show the same percentage, well, it’s a go.”

“Well, sir. I’m not sure that’s a good thing or a bad thing. I know the skip…president…I sure keep forgetting to call him that, don’t I, well, I know he wants this thing, but I’m getting more and more scared about it. Not with that smirk on Lt. Number’s face.”


“Yeah, after you came down here, he stayed in the nose, and started in on the Johnny Walker. Mr. Morton gave him permission …but…Ski and me, we were working on a lose bolt on the spiral ladder…well, Numbers just sat there, with a smirk on his face. It looked pure evil to me.  And it kept getting bigger the more he drained the bottle.”

“The bottle?”

“Well, not all of it. There was probably enough left for one shot when I decided to come down here and ask about the tests…”

“I can’t believe Mr. Morton would allow him to imbibe the entire bottle.”

“Oh, it’s not that he ‘let’ him. But the damn blue alien didn’t seem to be affected by it. Didn’t act drunk or anything like that….he’s….weird.”

“Mr. Morton,” I said into the intercom, “please come to my cabin right away.”

“Aye, sir,” Chip replied smartly.

“I, um, was wondering, when that press conference at the White House is going to happen? And you know, sir, I’m not all that sure about that wedding either. I mean. I’ll support the sk…president, sure as hell I will, but…I don’t trust the girl.”

“She’s always seemed very sweet to me.”

“Yeah, just like Mata Hari.”

“Now, Francis. I think we both know the cap...president pretty well to know he’s given this a great deal of thought. If he feels it’s for the best to marry the girl, when he could just as well, enjoy certain….privileges, if the aliens allow such things, well, who are we to argue?”

“Well if he did get a ‘yes’, there’s bound to be a heck of  lot of argument over it. They might even kick him out of the White House.”

The knock on the door interrupted.

“Come on in Chip,” I called out.

Only it wasn’t Chip.

“Ex-cuse, please,” Lt. Numbers said opening the door. “I wish to know if your pre-lim-in-ary calculations are com-plete.”

“Yes, you’ll be happy to know they’re promising.”

“Are you quite well? I understand you made the acquaintance of Johnny Walker.”

“I do not understand…oh…for-give my ig-nor-ance. The name of the bottle’s owner.”

“Er…yes, in a manner of speaking.”

“You wanted to see me, sir?” Chip asked peering in.

“Yes, Chip. Lt., if you’ll excuse us…”


“Special Report coming on,” Sparks said over the intercom and the monitor turned on.


“….We’re coming to you live from the White House, where the captain of the spaceship landed a short time ago.…”


The double doors to one of the hallways opened.  Then Lee, with Melody on one side and her father on the other strode to the podium.


“Good afternoon,” Lee said. “I know it’s unusual to speak to the nation about a personal matter, but due to the unusual nature of my announcement, I feel it only right to let everyone know that Melody has accepted my proposal of marriage.”

Silence. Followed by hesitant claps, but not by many. Melody looked terrified at the response, at least to my mind’s eye. Her father looked even more menacing if that was possible.


“We both realize,” Lee continued, holding her arm tightly, “that there may be some objection to our union. However, we are entering into this without any hesitation ourselves. And I think we’re the best judges of in the matters of our hearts, more than any others. We can only hope you will be happy for us. We’re unsure of the date as we’re awaiting the arrival of Melody’s mother who has indicated she wishes the ceremony to take place shortly after she arrives. We’re thinking the White House rose garden would be the best location for our vows to be witnessed by family and friends. As for the political and interstellar ramifications, I’m sure you’ll agree with me, that as my wife, Melody will be accorded all due respect as the First Lady, should our wedding take place before my term of office is concluded. She will still have to wait the minimum number of years as all registered aliens do, before her application and testing to become an American citizen can be concluded.”

There were a few twitters of humor at the term ‘alien’.

"And even if the wedding takes place after my term of office, she will still be  First Lady of my heart.”

Polite, if limited applause.

My heart bled for him. The lack of a receptive response was appalling.

He nodded toward Joe who took the podium and said the press conference was concluded while Melody gave the assembled reporters a hesitant smile before the couple, arm in arm, retreated back into the hallway, her father following, before the doors closed behind them.


“So,” the Lt. said. “It is official.”

“I forgot you were still here, Numbers,” I said. “What do you think about the upcoming nuptials?”

“I have nothing to say. I will dine in my quarter now. I have post-poned my nutritional supplements long enough.”

“As you wish, Lt.”

And with that, he left.


Chip, Sharkey, and I almost sagged in relief.

“He’s a cold hearted bastard,” Sharkey said.

“I’m afraid there are going to be a lot of cold hearted bastards as you say, Francis. Chip? What were you thinking about allowing Number an entire bottle of whiskey?”

“I thought he’d just pour out a shot…but…at least he didn’t get drunk from it.”

“Very well. But next time he wants any of our booze, have someone pour him a shot then lock it back up.”

“Aye sir.”

“Well? What do you think about Lee’s wedding, now that it’s going to happen?”

“I’m happy and scared for him at the same time.”

“You don’t trust the dame either, do you, sir?” Sharkey asked.

“It’s not that…did you realize, Admiral, that he hasn’t taken us off alert?”

“Yes. Probably more to protect the aliens from attack by humans now. Still, I’m glad about that.”

“This broad, the mother, I mean,” Sharkey said. “Any idea what she’s like?”

“Aside from probably looking somewhat like, the fact that she’s convinced Melody to marry Lee as soon as possible, she's probably on the pushy side.”

“I wonder,” Chip said, “if Melody’s actually registered as an alien with the Immigration Dept.? You know they ask for demographics. I doubt if there’s a spot on it for ‘planet of origin’.

“And what’s the marriage license is gonna’ say,” Sharkey added. “I mean, do they gotta’ get a blood test or anything? And…er…well, never mind.”

“Go ahead, Chief,” Chip said, “what don’t you want to say?”

“Well, some of the guys have been talking, you know, after me and Ski told em’ about the plans, before it just got all official. Some of em’ said any wedding would be like a human marrying a dog, or a horse, or a pig or something. I told em’ to shut up good.”

“I’m sure Lee would appreciate that,” I said.

“Admiral?” Sparks called on the PA, “Mrs. Nelson via her laptop for you.”

“Thanks. Pipe it through to my videophone.”

“We’ll leave you to it, sir,” Chip said as he and Sharkey left, closing the door behind them, to give me a little privacy.

She was dressed in that yellow sundress I liked to see her in, sitting at the bungalow’s kitchen table.

“Well, he’s done it, hasn’t he,” she said, disappointed.

“He had no choice, sweetie. He loves her. She loves him.”

“Well, they didn’t have to make it official! Couldn’t they just be happy with a little private affair? It wouldn’t be so…so distasteful then.”

“You haven’t even met her. She’s a charming, sweet girl.”

“She’s an alien, for God’s sake! A different species! It’s gross!”


“Look, Harry. I love Lee almost as much as you, but I can’t help it. It’s as if he’s…well, marrying a barnyard animal or something!”

“It’s not like you to be so prejudiced. Who’ve you been listening to? Ah, let me guess, Ronald? Maybe that woman who was arrested for firing at Lee and Melody?”

“You know damn well I despise Ronald too much to listen to him at all. And I feel we owe it to our galactic neighbors to try to be sociable. But good grief, Harry…she’s so damn ugly, and…maybe has other designs than just marrying Lee. What if she’s a spy or something. Entrap Lee, then the world…”

“I don’t think the president of the United States is that weak of mind. And Lee’s going into this thing with his eyes wide open. Now, he said the mother-in-law is coming down soon. The wedding will be shortly after. I trust you’d care to attend? It’s your choice. But I sure as hell will be there to support my, our, son.”

“Very well,” she sighed. “Any idea for a wedding present?”

“Not a clue. Talk to the institute girls, they’re more her age…”

“They won’t know any more about what alien girls like than I do.”

“Well, try to get some ideas anyway.”

“Harry, where will the honeymoon be?”

“I’m presuming someplace secure near Washington. Probably Camp David. And only a couple of days, I think.”

“Do you think Melody will be accepted as First Lady?”

“Technically, I don’t think anyone can deny it. It's not an official position but I think Lee would want  her to act like First Lady if she wants. Visit charities, hospitals and the like, even though it could be risky.  Not all Frist Ladies have assumed  traditional PR duties attached to the job.”

“Well, I’m sure the Secret Service will be busy if she does! Harry, how much longer will you be testing the waters out there?”

“Only two more tests and we’ll be finished. You go ahead and have Angie get us an open ended hotel suite reservation. Guaranteed payment, beginning two days from now… and ask Lee if you can meet the bride elect. I’d really like you to get to know her. See if Mrs. Crane might need a hotel room as well, though I have a feeling Lee might have her stay at the White House.”

“Why can’t we?”

“You sure? After all, the Secret Service hanging around all over the place might make you nervous when we…er….”

“Oh,” she flushed. “Now that you mention it…perhaps you’re right. I’ll call you from the hotel.”

“Yes, dear…God, I’ve missed you.”

“Good, you’re supposed to. Hugs and kisses darling.”

“Hugs and kisses, sweetheart,” I said, and closed the call.


My stomach rumbled, and I realized I was hungry. Or was it nerves.

There are going to be a lot of nerves until this entire chapter of Earth’s history is finished.