Presenting a new subsite.
Call it a kind of 'caption corner', where you may submit captions for Diego's cartoons.
You may also request cartoons be made by this brilliant artist.
Just remember that we don't have the kind of interactive site that will allow you to just type in what you want. In other
words, you'll just have to email me. (Gasp, shudder!)
But I don't bite, well, not too hard. And I will get back in touch with you or post your caption as soon as possible,
or untill the weekend, whichever is closest.
And so, get those ideas moving. I will have to limit 5 captions per image, so it's first come, first serve.
Votes will also be taken for the best caption per image.
As for how long an image is up for a caption, well, that hasn't been decided yet. Hey, this is a work in progress.
Happy imagining everyone!
~Carol aka Catfish~
Quick link to send caption
4. "Lee, did you clear it with the admiral
that it was okay to pick up our dates using FS-1 before you took it? Janet
3. "Lee, I don't think the Defense Department
will appreciate you buzzing Area 51." Sue
2. "Okay,
so that's 100 hamburgers, 25 cheeseburgers and 125 chocolate shakes to go, right?" Lynn
1. "We’re flying high in a yellow submarine,
a yellow submarine , a yellow submarine...." “Oh geez, admiral! Not
that song again!”
By Keri
2. “Hey-a Sharkey, mind telling me again where
I’m supposed to drop these suit cases with the ransom money to get Admiral Nelson and Captain Crane back from the kidnappers?”
Keri T.
1. "There's got to be a better way to file Admiral Nelson's tax return." Carol aka Catfish
1. "Lee, what do you think about this new plan
of the admiral's to bypass Procurement?" "I'm not happy about it, that's
for sure." "Well, at least it's not Army surplus." Carol aka Catfish
1. Boy that shrimp was good. Now if that yellow banana would just swim this
way..." Lynn
2.“Oh good! My favorite-scuba diver on the half shell.”
Lee: “I just saw a mermaid...”
Morton: “Huh?”
Lee: “Plainsman, hard right rudder! Engine room
ahead full! Navigation, I want a 180 degree turn, comeback on heading 090.”
Morton: “Geez Lee, I think you just left half the
back there with that maneuver.”
Admiral Nelson (in his cabin...as usual-pulling himself up off
the floor after being hurled from his chair by the sudden erratic change in
course and speed): “What the devil is going on down there?”
Lee to Morton: “Engine room all stop! I’m taking out
a dive
detail. Ask for volunteers.”
Morton: “Oh great, there goes the duty crew. Hey,
for me!”
Sharkey: “Oh swell, the skipper’s got the mermaid
going again. I’m getting outta here before the admiral shows up. Hey you
knuckle heads, wait for me!”
the Doc said it
was ‘curtain’s for the skipper, he
didn’t mean it literally!”
Carol aka Catfish
1. "Look, Ma, the Happy Meal comes with a toy!" ~Lynn~

Footprints |
"Engine room all
ahead flank."
"Lee, what's the hurry?" "Chip,
we need to be home by 2400 hours so I can watch Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea
on METV."
Flying Sub B 1. "See anything yet Ski?" "No Skipper." "Well
keep looking. That mermaid grotto is somewhere around here!" Lynn
Submitted themes for Diego to create new cartoons: Mermaids Monsters Hollywood
Harry: “Lee...”
Lee: “Yes Admiral?”
Harry: “Have you spotted any of the green puffer fish that I need to complete the serum I’m working on yet?”
Lee: “Not yet sir, but I think we’re getting close.”
Chip: “Lee, just what is this serum the admiral is working on? He’s not planning on using it on some of the crew
again, is he? That Werewolf serum he and doc came up with last time nearly sunk the Seaview and all hands.”
Keri T.
do we really have to go in the cave?”
Chip, there nothing in there to harm us.”
2. "Uh, Mr. Morton, don't you think someone should tell the captain that the
mermaid skipped with her old boyfriend?" Sue
1. "Don't you think we should call the Admiral
back to his lab now, Skipper?" "Nah, let him play a little more. He still has fifteen minutes to build a 'destroy-the-alien-and-save-the-world'
machine." Lynn
1. Chip: "We're nose heavy and sinking!" Lee: "Blow forward ballast tanks...hold
that trim!" Nelson: "What's the trouble, Lee?" Lee: "Uh, sorry,
sir. I took a side trip to the mermaid grotto...uh, Admiral? Someone make room up here for the Admiral!" ~Lynn~
“But honey, I don't understand why
you don't want to go to seafood

Clipboard |
1. Lee: "Are we ready to shove off, Chip?" Chip: "Let's
see. That's 125 crew members, a mad scientist, an experiment ready to go bad in the lab, two alien invaders, and, oh yeah,
one sea creature. Aye Skipper, we're ready to shove off." ~Lynn~